Become partner!
In 1999, the Financiële Studievereniging Tilburg (FST) was founded. After a new university-wide plan, FST changed its name into Asset | Accounting & Finance since it became part of the general faculty association Asset. Asset | Accounting & Finance is the financial study association of Tilburg and has over 2.000 members. We serve all students that have an interest in accountancy, control, finance and investment theory and are studying at Tilburg University. Our goal is to build a bridge between course theory and the practice of the business, which we of course cannot do without your help! We organize several recruitment events and we provide online exposure opportunities, in order to best serve the students' interest.
What do we offer?
As a company, you can participate in one of the recruitment events we organize. Furthermore, our online exposure opportunities are an excellent opportunity to approach students in a more passive way. Do you want to have a more detailed overview of what we offer? Feel free to contact us by sending a mail to or
Under the tab Company profiles you can see our current partners.