Asset | Accounting & Finance provides several course guidelines for courses within the bachelor programs ‘Bedrijfseconomie’ and the master programs ‘Accountancy’ and 'Finance'. Guidelines discuss the course content and are a very useful addition to the course material provided.
The price of a guideline is €3,- for members of Asset and €7,- for non-members. You can buy guidelines at room E1.07 (Esplanade Building)!
At the moment the following guidelines are available:
- Accounting I: Financial Accounting (midterm, in Dutch)
- Accounting II: Management Accounting
- Management Accounting & Control
- Financial Statement Analysis
- Information Systems & Data Analytics
- Finance I: Investeren & Beleggen
- Finance II: Ondernemingsfinanciering & Vermogensmarkten
- Finance for Pre-master (Finance I + II)
- Advanced Corporate Finance
- Investment Analysis